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Enhancing Conceptual Learning Through Computer-Based Applets: The Effectiveness and Implications

, , , University of Alberta, Canada ; , King’s University College, Canada

Journal of Interactive Learning Research Volume 16, Number 1, ISSN 1093-023X Publisher: Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE), Waynesville, NC


Several Canadian Universities and colleges have been working together for years to build web accessible computer-based applets to help students learn physics concepts. This paper reports the findings from an evaluative study on the effectiveness of these applets in enhancing conceptual learning. We integrated quantitative and qualitative methods including tests, surveys, focus groups, interviews, and class observations. The data show that the computer-based applets, which were designed in light of constructivism, were helpful in fostering conceptual learning, but they should be used in a constructivist’ s teaching environment to be more effective. In addition, based on this study some suggestions will be given on teacher education in term of the use of instructional technology.


Zhou, PhD., G., Brouwer, W., Nocente, N. & Martin, B. (2005). Enhancing Conceptual Learning Through Computer-Based Applets: The Effectiveness and Implications. Journal of Interactive Learning Research, 16(1), 31-49. Norfolk, VA: Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE). Retrieved September 1, 2024 from .



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