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The Validation of the MOOC Learner Engagement and Motivation Scale

, , The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong

EdMedia + Innovate Learning, in Amsterdam, Netherlands Publisher: Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE), Waynesville, NC


The advent of massive open online course (MOOC) has fueled much attention among educators in recent years. Student engagement in these large-scale open courses is still not well understood. Compared to conventional face-to-face (f2f) settings in which learners usually share the same academic goals, are familiar with one another, and are supervised closely by the teacher, MOOC learners do not know their peers, are not supervised by the teacher, and are under no expectation to complete the course. This study offers a new contribution by validating a MOOC Engagement-Motivation (MEM) Scale based on the self-determination theory of motivation (autonomy, relatedness, and competence), and the theory of engagement (behavioural, emotional, and cognitive engagement). The MEM Scale was developed based on previously validated instruments used in f2f contexts. A total of 872 self-reported MEM surveys from MOOC learners were collected to test the structure of the motivation scale and the engagement scale in MOOC context. The face validity was satisfied. The confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) was conducted and the results showed that both the motivation and engagement structures of the scale were validated and reliable in MOOC context. Several less fitting items were removed from the scales to better fit the models in MOOC context. Finally, compared to the non-completion group, the participants who completed the MOOC demonstrated stronger relationships among the factors in the two scales.


Lan, M. & Hew, K.F. (2018). The Validation of the MOOC Learner Engagement and Motivation Scale. In T. Bastiaens, J. Van Braak, M. Brown, L. Cantoni, M. Castro, R. Christensen, G. Davidson-Shivers, K. DePryck, M. Ebner, M. Fominykh, C. Fulford, S. Hatzipanagos, G. Knezek, K. Kreijns, G. Marks, E. Sointu, E. Korsgaard Sorensen, J. Viteli, J. Voogt, P. Weber, E. Weippl & O. Zawacki-Richter (Eds.), Proceedings of EdMedia: World Conference on Educational Media and Technology (pp. 1625-1636). Amsterdam, Netherlands: Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE). Retrieved August 31, 2024 from .


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