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E-Motivation! The Role of Popular Technology in Student Motivation and Retention

Research in Post-Compulsory Education Volume 16, Number 2, ISSN 1359-6748


This case study shows the imaginative methods adult learners use to stay motivated while studying. Respondents used social network sites and texts to motivate themselves, and each other, to continue studying. I call this innovative application of technology "e-motivation". Students used communication technology to transform their attitude, to change from wanting to leave to being motivated to stay. The research examined the learning journeys of two cohorts of students on higher education courses in a further education college (HE in FE), studying the Foundation Degree Learning Support (FDLS) and the Diploma in Teaching in the Lifelong Learning Sector (DTLLS). Semi-structured interviews were held with eight respondents periodically during their two-year course. An online questionnaire was sent to students on the same courses in local FE colleges. If educational institutions encourage the use of popular technology there is potential for transformative student engagement, and a method to improve retention rates. ["E-Motivation! The Role of Popular Technology in Student Motivation and Retention" was written with Karima Kadi-Hanifi.] (Contains 1 table.)


Price, F. (2011). E-Motivation! The Role of Popular Technology in Student Motivation and Retention. Research in Post-Compulsory Education, 16(2), 173-187. Retrieved September 1, 2024 from .

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