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Journal of e-Learning and Knowledge Society

2008 Volume 4, Number 1


Luigi Colazzo

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Table of Contents

Number of articles: 10

  1. University and lifelong learning in Italy: policies and higher education and training systems integration

    Giorgio Federici, Università degli Studi di Firenze, Italy; Giovanni Ragone, Università degli Studi di Roma, Italy

    This article expounds the legislative measures, regulations and initiatives pursued and implemented by the Prodi Government and, more specifically by, the Ministry of University and Research (MUR) ... More

    pp. 141-151

  2. University for LifeLong Learnings

    Alberto Colorni & Stefano Menon, Centro METID Politecnico di Milano, Italy; Aurelio Ravarini, Centro CETIC Università Carlo Cattaneo, Italy

    This article deals with the relationship between LifeLong Learning (LLL) and e-learning (eL). The point of view is that of University, which is inserted and called to act in a context characterized... More

    pp. 153-167

  3. Vocational training in Europe

    Ekkehard Nuissl, University Duisburg-Essen, Germany

    This paper concerns the state of professionalization of adult education in Europe. The field of adult education is not clearly defined, but it is strictly linked and overlapped to other social... More

    pp. 169-178

  4. Lifelong learning: what role for e-learning 2.0?

    Giovanni Bonaiuti & Antonio Fini, Università di Firenze, Italy

    In the few last years, attention has increasingly been focused on lifelong learning, also in relation to the great expansion of the Internet, in which the so-called Web 2.0 has recently begun its... More

    pp. 179-187

  5. ICT and lifelong learning for senior citizens

    Manuela Repetto & Guglielmo Trentin, Institute for Educational Technology, Italy

    Currently an effective and adequate use of new technologies appears to be a key element in knowledge-based society. This requires capabilities, which discriminate large social classes, in... More

    pp. 189-198

  6. The influence of the organisational context on training motivation

    Adalgisa Battistelli, University of Verona, Italy

    The study examines the infl uence of individual and organisational factors on motivation and training. In particular, personality factors such as innovativeness, proactivity and dominance, work... More

    pp. 199-209

  7. Technological Platforms for Lifelong Learning Projects: the Dimension of Time

    Luigi Colazzo, Andrea Molinari & Nicola Villa, University of Trento, Italy

    The supplying platforms are one of the technological requirements of every e-learning project. It seems, therefore, quite natural to imagine that these systems, normally known as Learning... More

    pp. 211-219

  8. Lifelong learning and e-learning 2.0: the contribution of usability studies

    Sara Rigutti, Gisella Paoletti & Anna Morandini, University of Trieste, Italy

    Usability assesses how easy and effi cient the use of ICT interfaces is, its measurement may show if and how much a tool allows its users to accomplish their tasks with profi t and without an... More

    pp. 221-229

  9. IntroOpenEd 2007: an experience on Open Education by a virtual community of teachers

    Antonio Fini & Andreas Formiconi, Università di Firenz, Italy; Alessandro Giorni, Scuola Media Garibaldi Matteucci, Italy; Nuccia Pirruccello & Elisa Spadavecchia, Italy; Emanuela Zibordi, Istituto di Istruzione Superiore Galileo Galilei Mirandola, Italy

    In Fall 2007 David Wiley, professor at Utah State University held a course about Open Education. That time, however, Dr Wiley’s course was followed by a rather unusual group of students. The Fall... More

    pp. 231-239

  10. Growth and development of Lifelong Learning European policies, the role of e-Learning and its programmes

    Chiara Mellini, University of Florence, Italy

    The present review is about the education and Lifelong Learning polices of the European Union in the last fi fteen years. The objective of the present document is to offer an interpretation of... More

    pp. 241-246