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Journal for Research in Mathematics Education

March 2013 Volume 44, Number 2

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Table of Contents

Number of articles: 3

  1. Research Committee. New Assessments for New Standards: The Potential Transformation of Mathematics Education and Its Research Implications

    James E. Tarr, Erica N. Walker, Karen F. Hollebrands, Kathryn B. Chval, Robert Q. Berry, Chris L. Rasmussen, Cliff Konold & Karen King

    The current era of common curriculum standards, increased accountability, and rapid expansion of technology within a complex and highly charged political context has influenced changes in... More

    pp. 340-352

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  2. Playing Mathematical Instruments: Emerging Perceptuomotor Integration with an Interactive Mathematics Exhibit

    Ricardo Nemirovsky, Molly L. Kelton & Bohdan Rhodehamel

    Research in experimental and developmental psychology, cognitive science, and neuroscience suggests that tool fluency depends on the merging of perceptual and motor aspects of its use, an... More

    pp. 372-415

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  3. Curriculum and Implementation Effects on High School Students' Mathematics Learning from Curricula Representing Subject-Specific and Integrated Content Organizations

    Douglas A. Grouws, James E. Tarr, Oscar Chavez, Ruthmae Sears, Victor M. Soria & Rukiye D. Taylan

    This study examined the effect of 2 types of mathematics content organization on high school students' mathematics learning while taking account of curriculum implementation and student prior ... More

    pp. 416-463

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