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The Octograph and E-Learning by Labyrinth-Cases

, Oslo University College

International Journal on E-Learning, in Norfolk, VA ISSN 1537-2456 Publisher: Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE), Waynesville, NC USA


This article maintains that labyrinth-cases of multiple outlets, although difficult, but pleasant to construct, are probably the way to go to strengthen computer-aided learning. The objective of the article is to show, based on a particular labyrinth-case, how to construct labyrinth-cases and consolidate their contents based on associative knowledge retrieved from a database. A labyrinth-case motivates the student to construct his or her own knowledge to solve the case. Some of this knowledge is in the labyrinth-case itself. Additional knowledge could be obtained underway while solving a labyrinth-case. The particular labyrinth-case discussed here obtains additional knowledge from a database with small texts that suits the labyrinth-case. The database, based on an organisational model called the Octograph, includes concepts, exercises, methods, theories, and cases. These are exploited according to detailed study plans1 administered by the tutor. The introduction of thematic labyrinth-cases2 is among the latest developments in this plan. The article draws on systems theory, constructivism, and theories of thinking and didactics ascribed to Ibn Khaldun (1332-1406), an eminent scholar from the 14th century (al-Araki, 1983).


Al-Araki, M. (2005). The Octograph and E-Learning by Labyrinth-Cases. International Journal on E-Learning, 4(3), 281-298. Norfolk, VA: Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE). Retrieved September 1, 2024 from .



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