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Beyond YouTube: Repurposing Online Video for Education

, Unversity of Hawaii, United States ; , University of Houston, United States

Global Learn, in Penang, Malaysia ISBN 978-1-880094-79-2 Publisher: Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE)


This paper supplements prior findings on characteristics of adult users of online video sharing site, as part of a larger survey research. Of 1,007 survey participants, 324 provided 486 responses to open-ended questions asking how to improve YouTube for educational purposes. Responses were grouped into five categories: 17% addressed access and availability; 12% sought improved video and audio quality; 26% lamented the poor educational quality of existing content or suggested ways to improve educational content; 31% provided suggestions for new features; and 31% discussed issues of searchability emphasizing the need for child-safe access. With survey participants from 27 different countries, we conclude that 1) integration of video into instruction goes beyond content search; 2) video-sharing sites differ from other user-generated content, such as a wiki; and 3) the non-social nature of YouTube users suggested alternative views of a social networking site.


Lin, G. & Michko, G. (2010). Beyond YouTube: Repurposing Online Video for Education. In Z. Abas, I. Jung & J. Luca (Eds.), Proceedings of Global Learn Asia Pacific 2010--Global Conference on Learning and Technology (pp. 257-267). Penang, Malaysia: Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE). Retrieved September 1, 2024 from .



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