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DiKoLAN – A Framework to Identify and Classify Digital Competencies for Teaching in Science Education and to Restructure Pre-Service Teacher Training

, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München (LMU Munich), Chair of Physics Education, Germany ; , Kassel University, Biology Education, Germany ; , University of Konstanz, Science Education, Germany ; , Technical University of Kaiserslautern, Biology Education, Germany ; , University of Salzburg, Biology Education, Austria ; , Technical University of Kaiserslautern, Physics Education, Germany ; , University of Darmstadt, Department of Physics, Germany ; , University of Leipzig, Center for Teacher Education and School Research, Germany ; , Leibniz University Hannover, Institute of Education, Germany

Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International Conference, in Online, United States ISBN 978-1-939797-55-1 Publisher: Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE), Waynesville, NC USA


In order to systematically introduce (prospective) teachers to teaching in the digital world and to lay the foundations for technological pedagogical content knowledge (TPACK) and concepts that are meaningful in terms of subject-specific teaching, essential aspects of learning with and via digital media must be conveyed. As frameworks concerning the digital competencies for teaching specifically in science education were missing, a cross-location international and interdisciplinary team of physics, chemistry, and biology education researchers formulated as initial consensus the structured and graded framework “DiKoLAN – Digital Competencies for Teaching in Science Education”. The structure of the orientation framework, its genesis and references to other, non-subject-specific digital competence frameworks are presented. The seven central areas of competence formulated in the orientation framework are shown as well as exemplary detailed insights into one of the central areas and the tiered structure of the competence expectations formulated in the orientation framework. With reference to the TPACK model, it is made clear that in the areas of knowledge and competence there are differently strong links to technical, educational, and didactic domains. Therefore, DiKoLAN can serve as an orientation aid if the acquisition of competences by prospective teachers is to be distributed in a targeted manner among the various parties involved in teacher education.


Thoms, L.J., Meier, M., Huwer, J., Thyssen, C., von Kotzebue, L., Becker, S., Kremser, E., Finger, A. & Bruckermann, T. (2021). DiKoLAN – A Framework to Identify and Classify Digital Competencies for Teaching in Science Education and to Restructure Pre-Service Teacher Training. In E. Langran & L. Archambault (Eds.), Proceedings of Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International Conference (pp. 1652-1657). Online, United States: Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE). Retrieved September 1, 2024 from .