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Augmented Reality: Object-in-the-world or Simulacrum?

, The Mind Lab, New Zealand, New Zealand

Innovate Learning Summit, Publisher: Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE)


Education grapples daily with the demands of effectively harnessing new technologies for the purpose of improving student learning. In these endeavours the focus falls on the learning process itself. Often, this focus goes hand in hand, with an acceptance of the particular technology itself as existential ‘object-in-the-world’. Such an approach to the use of technology in learning deprives students of opportunities for engaging in discourses relating to the relationships between humanity, technology, and environment. Conceptions of these relationships are drawn from readings beyond those traditionally associated with education, such as media theory. Such conceptions provide elements of the mental models and constructs that enable students to engage with the culturally problematic use of technologies in everyday situations. By way of illustration, the relationships between humanity, augmented reality and ‘the real world’ are examined in order to illuminate the outlines of this discourse.


Thomas, H. (2020). Augmented Reality: Object-in-the-world or Simulacrum?. In T. Bastiaens & G. Marks (Eds.), Proceedings of Innovate Learning Summit 2020 (pp. 268-275). Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE). Retrieved September 1, 2024 from .


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