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Using a Historic Site to Develop Virtual Reality-Enhanced Web-Based Instructional Material: Learning to Use Technology as a Partner in the Classroom

, , Virginia Tech, United States

CITE Journal Volume 1, Number 2, ISSN 1528-5804 Publisher: Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education, Waynesville, NC USA


Over the last decade a growing number of social studies educators have mirrored Berson's contention that interactive technologies hold a great deal of potential for transforming the teaching and learning of social studies (Braun, Jr. & Risinger, 1999; Diem, 1999, 1997; Martorella, 1998, 1997; Hope, 1996; Klenow, 1992; Mason, et al, 2000; NCSS, 1994; Saye & Brush, 1999; White, 1999; Yeager & Morris, 1995). Today, social studies teachers wishing to use computer-based technology to help them develop, define, and support effective learning environments have many options at their disposal. Some of the more obvious choices teachers can make surrounding the instructional use of computers include selecting potentially effective commercially produced social studies content applications, using the World Wide Web (WWW or Web) to access resources and conduct research, and authoring text-based as well as multimedia instructional material. However, research continues to suggest that despite the perceived potential of technology, many social studies teachers are currently reluctant or unable to utilize content specific uses of technology in their professional practice (Ehman & Glenn, 1991, Berson, 1996; Freiwald, 1997; Martorella, 1998; National Assessment of Educational Progress , 1999).


Sherman, G. & Hicks, D. (2000). Using a Historic Site to Develop Virtual Reality-Enhanced Web-Based Instructional Material: Learning to Use Technology as a Partner in the Classroom. Contemporary Issues in Technology and Teacher Education, 1(2), 244-257. Charlottesville, VA: Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education. Retrieved September 1, 2024 from .


Cited By

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  • Engaging in scholarly dialogue: CITE Journal and the social studies

    John Lee, Georgia State University, United States; Michael Berson, University of South Florida, United States; David Hicks, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, United States

    Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International Conference 2002 (2002) pp. 2187–2190

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