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Journal of Technology and Teacher Education

April 2007 Volume 15, Number 2


Richard Hartshorne

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Table of Contents

Number of articles: 8

  1. Editorial: Online Education: Issues and Research Questions

    Cleborne Maddux, University of Nevada, Reno, United States; Debra Sprague, George Mason University, United States; Richard Ferdig, University of Florida, United States; Peter Albion, University of Southern Queensland, Australia

    This article suggests that online education is at the cusp of a period of dramatic change. That change will involve significant increases in the numbers of students and faculty who are involved in ... More

    pp. 157-166

  2. Analysis of Predictive Factors That Influence Faculty Members Technology Adoption Level

    Ismail Sahin, Selcuk University, Turkey; Ann Thompson, Iowa State University, United States

    This quantitative study used the Learning/Adoption Trajectory model of technology adoption as a scaffold to investigate whether a faculty adoption level of instructional technology in the College... More

    pp. 167-190

  3. ICT Use During SARS: Teachers' Experiences

    Bob Fox, University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong

    In 2003, Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome or SARS spread rapidly through international air travel from China to many cities across the world, resulting in over 8,000 cases of infections and 774... More

    pp. 191-2005

  4. Predicting Preservice Teacher Competence in Computer Technology: Modeling and Application in Training Environments

    Linda Fleming, Gannon University, United States; Vahid Motamedi, Teacher Training University, Iran (Islamic Republic Of); Lisa May, Gannon University, United States

    The purpose of this study was to determine if modeling by university professors and practicum and cooperating teachers was related to preservice teachers' perceptions of their computer technology... More

    pp. 207-231

  5. Two Peas in a Pod? A Comparison of Face-to-Face and Web Based Classrooms

    Gale Mentzer, The University of Toledo, United States; JohnRobert Cryan, The, United States; Berhane Teclehaimanot, The University of Toledo, United States

    This study compared student learning outcomes and student perceptions of and satisfaction with the learning process between two sections of the same class—a web-based section and a traditional face... More

    pp. 233-246

  6. The Influence of Technocentric Collaboration on Preservice Teachers' Attitudes About Technology's Role in Powerful Learning and Teaching

    Penny Garcia & Stephen Rose, University of Wisconsin Oshkosh, United States

    Teacher educators have a dual responsibility. They must not only deliver the content of their courses but also model the pedagogical beliefs and instructional strategies they espouse. Perhaps no... More

    pp. 247-266

  7. Factors That Influence Elementary Teachers Use of Computers

    Cheryl Franklin, Boise State University, United States

    The purpose of this quantitative study was to examine the ways elementary teachers use computer technology for instructional purposes and the factors that influence their use of computers. The... More

    pp. 267-293

  8. Book Review: Extending Knowledge in Practice: Primary ICT

    Peter Albion, Faculty of Education, USQ, Australia

    Preparing teachers to make effective use of technology to enhance learning presents continuing challenges around the world. Although written for a specific context, this book is a useful resource... More

    pp. 295-298