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Journal of Educational Multimedia and Hypermedia

April 2007 Volume 16, Number 2


Gary H. Marks

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Table of Contents

Number of articles: 5

  1. Learning Through Multimedia Construction—A Complex Strategy

    Christine Brown, University of Wollongong, Australia

    Multimedia construction is a complex and theoretically valid process for developing higher order thinking that can be implemented as a teaching activity and optionally associated with formal... More

    pp. 93-124

  2. Ubiquitous Discussion Forum: Introducing Mobile Phones and Voice Discussion Into a Web Discussion Forum

    Fu-Hsiang Wei, Gwo-Dong Chen, Chin-Yeh Wang & Liang-Yi Li, National Central University, Taiwan

    ** Invited as a paper from ED-MEDIA 2005. Grammatical and writing style errors in the original version have been corrected by our colleague who is a native English speaker. ** Abstract: Web-based... More

    pp. 125-140

  3. Promoting Positive Emotion in Multimedia Learning Using Visual Illustrations

    Sanghoon Park & Jung Lim, Northwestern State University of Louisianna, United States

    ** Invited as a paper from E-Learn 2005 ** The purpose of this paper was to explore the concept of interest, one of the critical positive emotions in learning contexts and to investigate the... More

    pp. 141-162

  4. Design of Digital Learning Material on Social–Psychological Theories for Nutrition Behavior Research.

    Maria C. Busstra & Cees De Graaf, Wageningen University, Netherlands; Rob Hartog, Wageningen Multi Media Research Centre, Netherlands

    This article describes the design, implementation and evaluation of digital learning material on the social – psychological Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB) and its use in nutrition behavior... More

    pp. 163-182

  5. Performance and Behavioral Outcomes in Technology-Supported Learning: The Role of Interactive Multimedia

    Katia Passerini, NJIT, United States

    Understanding the impact of different technological media on the achievement of instructional goals enables the delivery a subject matter more effectively. Among the various instructional... More

    pp. 183-211