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Navigating Electronic Survey Methods: Three Pilot Studies

Mid-South Educational Research Association Annual Meeting,


A study was designed to compare traditional paper-and-pencil survey methods with several electronic alternatives, but several of the electronic approaches had to be eliminated because of hardware and software problems. The study was revised to compare paper-and-pencil and Web-based surveys. Two other pilot tests, similar to the initial study, are also described. Many software difficulties were encountered in implementing the Web-based survey, but a survey about "customer satisfaction" was eventually produced in conventional and Web-based forms. Control (traditional) and experimental (Web-based) groups of 78 principals each were asked to respond to the surveys. Only 76 principals responded, with 29 of these using the Web-based version. Nevertheless, 21 of these 29 responses were received before there were any responses to the traditional survey. Most respondents approved of the idea of electronic surveying in spite of the technical difficulties. The other two pilot studies, one asking principals about block scheduling and one studying the ability of students to respond to an electronic survey, also showed favorable responses and very quick reply time. An appendix contains exhibits of materials used in the studies. (Contains 14 references.) (SLD)


Franceschini, L.A. (2000). Navigating Electronic Survey Methods: Three Pilot Studies. Presented at Mid-South Educational Research Association Annual Meeting 2000. Retrieved September 1, 2024 from .

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