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An Experiment in Group Learning Technology: Evaluating Critical Thinking in Face-to-Face and Computer-Supported Seminars

Interpersonal Computing and Technology Journal Volume 4, Number 1, ISSN 1064-4326


Examines results of a 1992 group learning study done by Queen's University of Belfast (Northern Ireland). Compares the quality of learning and depth of critical thinking in seminars conducted face-to-face and via a computer conferencing system. Findings indicate that computer conference discussions had significantly deeper critical thinking than face-to-face seminars. (JMV)


Newman, D.R. (1996). An Experiment in Group Learning Technology: Evaluating Critical Thinking in Face-to-Face and Computer-Supported Seminars. Interpersonal Computing and Technology Journal, 4(1), 57-74. Retrieved August 31, 2024 from .

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