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Digital Storytelling: A New Player on the Narrative Field


New Directions for Adult and Continuing Education Volume 126, ISSN 1052-2891


Digital storytelling is a dynamic and beautiful marriage of narrative and technology that is proving to be a potent force in educational practice. Interest in the multiple applications of digital storytelling has burgeoned in recent years. A growing body of literature has explored the ways in which digital storytelling is being employed in various areas including K-12 education, higher education, health care, aging, community action, and more. In this chapter, the authors first address the question of what digital storytelling is, and they provide a review of the literature that explores some of the applications of digital storytelling in different settings. They then look at the unique contributions of digital storytelling to adult education. Finally, to illustrate the potential of digital stories, the authors describe an example of a student-produced digital story from their own practice.


Rossiter, M. & Garcia, P.A. (2010). Digital Storytelling: A New Player on the Narrative Field. New Directions for Adult and Continuing Education, 126, 37-48. Retrieved September 1, 2024 from .

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