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Teaching Using a Blended Approach--What Does the Literature Tell Us?

Educational Media International Volume 48, Number 3, ISSN 0952-3987


Teaching using a blended approach is a complex undertaking, where teachers have to address varied discipline and professional learning outcomes, different student capabilities and institutional conditions as well as creating an effective pedagogy by using the strengths of face-to-face and online settings in an integrated fashion. There is now a sizeable literature on student accounts of learning in blended environments; however, much less is known about teacher perspectives on blended teaching and that is the focus of this review. A critical analysis of the literature indicated two areas of development: (1) teacher conceptions and beliefs about blended teaching and (2) changing teacher roles, especially around course design and pedagogy.


Gerbic, P. (2011). Teaching Using a Blended Approach--What Does the Literature Tell Us?. Educational Media International, 48(3), 221-234. Retrieved September 1, 2024 from .

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