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A Process-Oriented Framework for Acquiring Online Teaching Competencies

Journal of Computing in Higher Education Volume 23, Number 1, ISSN 1042-1726


As a multidimensional construct which requires multiple competencies, online teaching is forcing universities to rethink traditional faculty roles and competencies. With this consideration in mind, this paper presents a process-oriented framework structured around three sequential non-linear phases: (1) "before": preparing, planning, and designing; (2) "during": facilitating, interacting, and providing/gathering feedback; and (3) "after": reflecting and considering lessons learned. Grounded on existing models and on our experience designing and working with faculty designing and teaching online courses, this framework provides a systemic understanding of the various roles and competencies associated with online teaching. Use of this framework should enable higher education institutions (HEIs) to develop comprehensive and effective faculty development programs, capable of helping faculty create and facilitate effective learning opportunities for all students.


Abdous, M. (2011). A Process-Oriented Framework for Acquiring Online Teaching Competencies. Journal of Computing in Higher Education, 23(1), 60-77. Retrieved September 1, 2024 from .

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