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Online Faculty Development and Assessment System (OFDAS)

, University of Seville ; , University of La Laguna

IRRODL Volume 7, Number 3, ISSN 1492-3831 Publisher: Athabasca University Press


The rapid growth of online learning has led to the development of faculty inservice evaluation models that are geared towards the demands of quality improvement of degree programs. Based on the best practices of student online assessment, the Online Faculty Development and Assessment System (OFDAS) created at the Canary Islands was designed to serve the dual purpose of faculty development and classroom learning environment assessment. Results of analyses showed that OFDAS maximized the potential of online faculty development to encourage staff to reflect on teaching professional skills. Implications were discussed in terms of emphasizing the process of online teaching knowledge learning and incorporating perspectives to capture a comprehensive view of faculty teaching attitudes and their association with student classroom learning perceptions.


Villar, L. & Alegre, O. (2006). Online Faculty Development and Assessment System (OFDAS). The International Review of Research in Open and Distributed Learning, 7(3),. Athabasca University Press. Retrieved September 1, 2024 from .


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