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Closing The Loop: Towards A Low-Cost “LAN” (Learning through Authentic Narrative) Infrastructure for Community and Cross-Cultural Empowerment

, , , Future University Hakodate, Japan ; , Freelance Consultant, Japan

Global Learn, in Melbourne, Australia ISBN 978-1-880094-85-3 Publisher: Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE)


We present an unconventional “whole system” approach to Open Educational Resources (OERs). Whereas a significant proportion of existing OER content creation can be categorised as “top-down”, we advocate a perspective that privileges the bottom-up “closing of the loop”: enabling the creation of meaningful content across different layers within an educational system, and also across cultures. Central to this approach is the representation of educational materials as authentic narratives. We present a framework for implementing this “LAN” (Learning through Authentic Narrative) approach, and instantiate it with concrete examples from our own fieldwork that illustrate the separate stages of content creation, content distribution, and content management. We simultaneously target both developed and developing countries, and we demonstrate the potential for both within-community and cross-cultural empowerment.


Frank, I., Field, M., Bagenda, D. & Shiiya, K. (2011). Closing The Loop: Towards A Low-Cost “LAN” (Learning through Authentic Narrative) Infrastructure for Community and Cross-Cultural Empowerment. In S. Barton, J. Hedberg & K. Suzuki (Eds.), Proceedings of Global Learn Asia Pacific 2011--Global Conference on Learning and Technology (pp. 491-500). Melbourne, Australia: Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE). Retrieved September 1, 2024 from .


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