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Improving Learning in Computer-based Instruction Through Questioning and Grouping Strategies

, , Arizona State University, United States

Journal of Educational Multimedia and Hypermedia Volume 19, Number 1, ISSN 1055-8896 Publisher: Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE), Waynesville, NC USA


This study investigated the comparative effects of adjunct questions, student self-generated questions, and note taking on learning from a multimedia database. High school students worked individually or in cooperative dyads on a computer-based multimedia unit using a study guide to answer either adjunct questions, generate self-questions, or take notes to accomplish a learning task. There were two criterion measures, a posttest and an attitude survey. Other data collected included informal observations, student interviews and review of the student study guides. The dependent variable was achievement as determined by posttest score. Analyses were conducted using both traditional Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) techniques as well as hierarchical linear modeling (HLM). Because of the dependency of scores of students working in pairs, it was determined that HLM techniques were more appropriate. Results of ANOVA analyses yielded significant differences, however, HLM analyses did not. The correlations of posttest scores of students working in pairs seemed to indicate possible levels of cooperation. Student interview responses and review of student study guides seemed to provide indications of how students utilized the questioning or note-taking strategies while working in this environment. Implications for the design of instruction are discussed.


Niemczyk, M. & Savenye, W. (2010). Improving Learning in Computer-based Instruction Through Questioning and Grouping Strategies. Journal of Educational Multimedia and Hypermedia, 19(1), 79-102. Waynesville, NC USA: Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE). Retrieved September 1, 2024 from .


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