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Investigation and perspectives about the promoting creativity to children with ASD in a Multisensory environment Magic Room. Generative game “Explora!”.

, 1. Politecnico di Milano, Italy ; , , , , , , , Politecnico di Milano, Italy

EdMedia + Innovate Learning, in Online ISBN 978-1-939797-65-0 Publisher: Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE), Waynesville, NC


Multisensory environments (MSEs) as an educational platform for fostering the improvement of various skills of children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). In this paper, we explored the beliefs and experiences of practitioners in promoting creativity for children with autism in MSEs. We transformed collected data into the guidelines for teachers and developers to facilitate free exploration. Guidelines include the practitioner's definition of the open-ended game framework and game structure elements that encourage co-construction and free exploration of typically and atypically developing children. To explore the relevance of these guidelines, designers and engineers from our Lab created a new game in Multisensory environments, Magic Room. Game “Explora!” is a highly interactive and immersive experience for the Magic Room, catered toward atypical and typical children aged 6-12 years old to develop their explorative, collaborative, and communication skills.


Komarova, S., Gianotti, M., Atanassov, A., Bordonaro, G., Rousseau, C., Goldschmidt, M., Caslini, G. & Garzotto, F. (2022). Investigation and perspectives about the promoting creativity to children with ASD in a Multisensory environment Magic Room. Generative game “Explora!”. In T. Bastiaens (Ed.), Proceedings of EdMedia + Innovate Learning (pp. 696-710). Online: Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE). Retrieved September 1, 2024 from .


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