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Gamification in Corporate Training to Enhance Engagement: An Approach

, , , University of Genova - DIBRIS

iJET Volume 15, Number 17, ISSN 1863-0383 Publisher: International Journal of Emerging Technology in Learning, Kassel, Germany


Engagement in the companies' training programs is a crucial issue for their success. Every company faces the matter in different manners: some enterprises promote mandatory courses or programs; however, they may result not enough effective, due to a low level of motivation that can compromise learning and retention. Other enterprises prefer to adopt voluntary courses or programs, but in this case enrollment and completion depend on many factors: the time that workers can spend on training without compromising their main tasks; the directives of managers; the individual motivation. Another way to face corporate training may exploit gamification to enhance engagement. The authors present the design and implementation of a gamified course of office automation, developed for the employees of a large media company. Our approach attempts to go beyond the well-known triad point-badges-leaderboards, employing also a narrative, the Bartle's taxonomy of player types and the Self-determination theory by Deci and Ryan.


Iacono, S., Vallarino, M. & Vercelli, G. (2020). Gamification in Corporate Training to Enhance Engagement: An Approach. International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning (iJET), 15(17), 69-84. Kassel, Germany: International Journal of Emerging Technology in Learning. Retrieved August 31, 2024 from .