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Effects of a French remedial program on pupils’ educational outcomes

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International Journal of Educational Research Volume 90, Number 1, ISSN 0883-0355 Publisher: Elsevier Ltd


Few studies have examined the French “Networks for Specialized Assistance to Pupils in Difficulty” (Rased). In this article, we evaluate the impact of receiving Rased services in the first year of primary schooling on academic success. Using data from a national panel study, we find inconsistency in student selection within Rased. Using matching methods, our results reveal that pupils who benefited from the program school have a higher probability of grade repetition and obtain significantly lower scores on the third grade national assessment, particularly in mathematics, compared to pupils with similar characteristics who did not take part in the program. This impact seems particularly negative for pupils with less prior academic and behavioural difficulties.


Bonnard, C., Giret, J.F. & Sauvageot, C. (2018). Effects of a French remedial program on pupils’ educational outcomes. International Journal of Educational Research, 90(1), 95-106. Elsevier Ltd. Retrieved September 1, 2024 from .

This record was imported from International Journal of Educational Research on January 29, 2019. International Journal of Educational Research is a publication of Elsevier.

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