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Professional identity of teacher educators in the digital era in light of demands of pedagogical innovation

, Achva Academic College, Israel ; , Levinsky College of Education, Israel

TATE Volume 73, Number 1, ISSN 0742-051X Publisher: Elsevier Ltd


The study examines teacher educators' perceptions regarding pedagogical innovation. 27 semi-structured interviews were analyzed using three modes of existence composing their professional identity with regards to pedagogical innovation: being, the conceptual component; doing, the practical component; and having, the environmental support component. Findings show that the "being" component is the dominant mode of existence and is strongly connected to construction of professional selves. Also, demands of the digital era compel teacher educators to re-examine their professional identity vis-à-vis technology-integrated teaching. Institutional support was vital for professional identity construction. Findings assist in understanding professional identity construction of innovative teacher educators.


Avidov-Ungar, O. & Forkosh-Baruch, A. (2018). Professional identity of teacher educators in the digital era in light of demands of pedagogical innovation. Teaching and Teacher Education: An International Journal of Research and Studies, 73(1), 183-191. Elsevier Ltd. Retrieved September 1, 2024 from .

This record was imported from Teaching and Teacher Education: An International Journal of Research and Studies on January 29, 2019. Teaching and Teacher Education: An International Journal of Research and Studies is a publication of Elsevier.

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