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The what, when, and how of preservice teachers and literacy across the disciplines: A systematic literature review of nearly 50 years of research

, Department of Teaching & Learning, United States ; , National Reading Centre of Norway, Norway ; , Department of Urban Education, United States ; , College of Education, United States

TATE Volume 73, Number 1, ISSN 0742-051X Publisher: Elsevier Ltd


To organize nearly five decades of research regarding teacher preparation in literacy across the disciplines, this study systematically examined and qualitatively synthesized the what, when, and how of the research, resulting in three overarching categories: (a) perceptions, (b) resistance, and (c) experience. Key findings include that when preservice teachers receive instruction through coursework and practicums, their perceptions toward providing literacy instruction in future teaching contexts became more positive. However, researchers often measured such instruction's effect upon content-area literacy courses in the short term, rarely exploring future classroom implementation. Additionally, recommendations for practice and implications for future research are given.


Scott, C.E., McTigue, E.M., Miller, D.M. & Washburn, E.K. (2018). The what, when, and how of preservice teachers and literacy across the disciplines: A systematic literature review of nearly 50 years of research. Teaching and Teacher Education: An International Journal of Research and Studies, 73(1), 1-13. Elsevier Ltd. Retrieved September 1, 2024 from .

This record was imported from Teaching and Teacher Education: An International Journal of Research and Studies on January 31, 2019. Teaching and Teacher Education: An International Journal of Research and Studies is a publication of Elsevier.

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