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Learning with an App? It's a Walk in the Park

Primary Science Volume 153, Number 1, ISSN 0269-2465


This article describes how the EduPARK Research and Development Project promotes articulation between research, teachers, professional practice, and initial and advanced teacher training, constituting a very useful theoretical and practical framework, with impact not only in schools, but also in the community and in the tourism sector. The EduPARK app was developed by the EduPARK project multidisciplinary team, involving researchers from the University of Aveiro (Portugal) from three specialisms: education, biology, and computer science. The project aimed to create attractive and effective strategies for interdisciplinary learning, relying on the development of an interactive mobile augmented reality (AR) app that supports geocaching activities to be explored in the Aveiro urban park.


Pombo, L. (2018). Learning with an App? It's a Walk in the Park. Primary Science, 153(1), 12-15. Retrieved September 1, 2024 from .

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