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Building a global community of policymakers, researchers and educators to move education systems into the digital age

, University of Twente ; , University of North Texas, United States

Journal of Computer Assisted Learning Volume 29, Number 5, ISSN 1365-2729 Publisher: Wiley


The EDUsummIT 2011 aimed to develop (a) recommendations for policy, practice and research that will help educational systems move into the digital age and (b) strategies to build a global community of researchers, policymakers and teachers in the field of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in Education. Thematic working groups addressed these goals from different perspectives: the learner, the teacher, curriculum and assessment, the structure of schooling, essential conditions for ICT integration and researching IT in education. This special issue reflects the research evidence underpinning the discussions and recommendations of the EDUsummIT thematic working groups.


Voogt, J. & Knezek, G. (2013). Building a global community of policymakers, researchers and educators to move education systems into the digital age. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, 29(5), 399-402. Wiley. Retrieved September 1, 2024 from .

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