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A Glance at Institutional Support for Faculty Teaching in an Online Learning Environment


Educause Quarterly Volume 33, Number 3, ISSN 1528-5324


With continued advances in web-based learning, colleges and universities strive to meet the needs and interests of students, faculty, and staff. New instructional technologies have at least one thing in common: the learning curve associated with users becoming adept. Mastery requires significant time and attention. Providing the best quality experiences in a web-based learning environment, including but not limited to learning, requires attention not only to the best practices and newest technologies but also to how institutions support and prepare faculty to accomplish such tasks. This article reports findings from a recent study the authors conducted that looked at how institutions support faculty with the design and development of web-based classes. The compiled findings provide some insight as to how institutions view online learning and how they support faculty in preparing to deliver online classes. This information may help individual institutions determine where they stand relative to other institutions and their own goals. (Contains 8 figures, 5 tables, and 13 endnotes.)


Lion, R.W. & Stark, G. (2010). A Glance at Institutional Support for Faculty Teaching in an Online Learning Environment. Educause Quarterly, 33(3),. Retrieved September 1, 2024 from .

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