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Streamlining the Online Course Development Process by Using Project Management Tools


Quarterly Review of Distance Education Volume 9, Number 2, ISSN 1528-3518


Managing the design and production of online courses is challenging. Insufficient instructional design and inefficient management often lead to issues such as poor course quality and course delivery delays. In an effort to facilitate, streamline, and improve the overall design and production of online courses, this article discusses how we implemented Microsoft Project 2003, based on our online course development framework and online course development approaches. This article represents an attempt to approach online course development from a systematic perspective, using Microsoft Office Project Server 2003 (Enterprise Project Management) in a higher education environment. (Contains 2 figures.)


Abdous, M. & He, W. (2008). Streamlining the Online Course Development Process by Using Project Management Tools. Quarterly Review of Distance Education, 9(2), 181-188. Retrieved September 1, 2024 from .

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