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Learner and Instructor Identified Success Factors in Distance Education


Distance Education Volume 29, Number 3, ISSN 0158-7919


To better understand their perceptions of optimal tools and strategies for success, this research analyzed the experiences of learners and instructors in an online distance education environment. A qualitative constant comparative analysis methodology supported by an appropriate conceptual framework guided the study. Data were collected over multiple years and from multiple stakeholders. The study identified the following significant conclusions: the availability of multiple tools added flexibility to the learning environment; technology tools should appeal to multiple learning styles; collaboration, reflection, and building a learning community were important strategies supported by multiple tools; and participant satisfaction, appropriate prerequisite skills, and faculty and administrative involvement ensured programmatic success. According to this study, optimal distance education environments should address factors identified in the conceptual framework. (Contains 3 tables and 1 figure.)


Menchaca, M.P. & Bekele, T.A. (2008). Learner and Instructor Identified Success Factors in Distance Education. Distance Education, 29(3), 231-252. Retrieved September 1, 2024 from .

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