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The Audiocast Diaries: Reflections on Radio and Podcasting for Delivery of Educational Soap Operas

IRRODL Volume 7, Number 3, ISSN 1492-3831 Publisher: Athabasca University Press


While studying Gender Issues in Distance Education at Athabasca University, the author has read about nomadic Fulbe women in Nigeria who learned by radio. She became inspired to explore the idea of serial drama as education. She began searching the Internet for ideas. She discovered a striking example of entertainment-education--an educational soap opera called "Urunana." Urunana was created to provide specific information on sexual and reproductive health to the remaining 70 percent of the Rwanda after the 1994 genocide. In this article, the author presents in a diary-style manner all the information she learned about various technology that can be used effectively for delivering entertainment education to learners. She shares how the convergence of radio, podcasting, and mobile phones will provide learners with the convenience of listening to serial educational dramas.


Elliott, W. (2006). The Audiocast Diaries: Reflections on Radio and Podcasting for Delivery of Educational Soap Operas. The International Review of Research in Open and Distributed Learning, 7(3), 1-11. Athabasca University Press. Retrieved September 1, 2024 from .
