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Impact of Online Discussion on Elementary Teacher Candidates' Anxiety towards Teaching Mathematics

Education Volume 128, Number 4, ISSN 0013-1172


This study investigated the impact of online discussion of anxiety towards teaching mathematics (ATTM) on elementary teacher candidates' ATTM. Participants (N = 39) in elementary mathematics methods classes completed Anxiety Towards Teaching Mathematics Questionnaire immediately before and after 8 weeks of online discussion of ATTM. It was found that online discussion of ATTM significantly reduced participants' self reported anxiety caused by the conception that mathematics is more difficult, anxiety towards other people's perception of one's teaching of mathematics, and anxiety towards teaching in general. The reduction of anxiety towards other people's perception was more prominent in participants without experience than those with experience. It is suggested that elements aimed at reducing ATTM be built into methods courses for elementary teacher candidates. (Contains 4 tables.)


Liu, F. (2008). Impact of Online Discussion on Elementary Teacher Candidates' Anxiety towards Teaching Mathematics. Education, 128(4), 614-629. Retrieved September 1, 2024 from .

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