A Learning Programme Based on TPCK (Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge), Constructionism, and Design to enhance Teacher Learning of the Key Ideas and Competencies of Artificial Intelligence (AI)

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Enrica Amplo, Deirdre Butler, Dublin City University, Ireland

Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International Conference, Mar 13, 2023 in New Orleans, LA, United States ISBN 978-1-939797-68-1


Technologies powered by Artificial Intelligence (AI) are more and more present in our daily lives this is the reason why developing skills and competencies to be aware of the positive and negative impact of these technologies is extremely relevant to every citizen. Therefore, there is a developing literature framing and promoting the introduction of AI literacy in schools. However, research claims that despite the increasing interest in AI for K-12 programmes there is still a lack of support for teachers in terms of resources, training, and pedagogy. Very few studies focus on teachers’ learning of AI and how we can prepare teachers to introduce AI to children. In this paper, we describe a professional learning programme for primary school teachers, covering the key ideas of AI from a technical and ethical perspective It consists of three online synchronous sessions and one face-to-face design session which were piloted with a small group of teachers from the Irish context. Specifically, with this project, we investigate the adoption of TPCK (Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge) to frame teacher knowledge and learning of AI and the introduction of constructionism and design learning principles as approaches to effectively enable teachers to create learning opportunities for children to develop AI literacy.


Amplo, E. & Butler, D. (2023). A Learning Programme Based on TPCK (Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge), Constructionism, and Design to enhance Teacher Learning of the Key Ideas and Competencies of Artificial Intelligence (AI). In E. Langran, P. Christensen & J. Sanson (Eds.), Proceedings of Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International Conference (pp. 1914-1923). New Orleans, LA, United States: Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE). Retrieved September 1, 2024 from https://www.learntechlib.org/p/222077.