Equipping Teacher Candidates with Media Literacy Skills: Best Practices in Online Education Courses

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Amy Williamson, Deborah Banker, Angelo State University, United States

Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International Conference, Mar 02, 2015 in Las Vegas, NV, United States ISBN 978-1-939797-13-1


This paper provides an overview of how to reach the millennial generation, primarily at the higher education level. However, it does address an audience of K­12 teachers, higher education faculty, researchers, administrators, and practitioners, who not only teach the higher education population of students, but who prepare students who will one day attain a postsecondary education. Currently used practices that have been grounded in theory are presented along with evidence of curricular integration of visual and media literacy skills. The skills are in alignment with the standards of the Association of Colleges and Research Libraries (ACRL), the definition of visual literacy from the International Visual Literacy Association (IVLA), and the definition of media literacy from the National Association of Media Literacy Education (NAMLE).


Williamson, A. & Banker, D. (2015). Equipping Teacher Candidates with Media Literacy Skills: Best Practices in Online Education Courses. In D. Rutledge & D. Slykhuis (Eds.), Proceedings of SITE 2015--Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International Conference (pp. 572-576). Las Vegas, NV, United States: Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE). Retrieved September 1, 2024 from https://www.learntechlib.org/p/150053.