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Journal of e-Learning and Knowledge Society

2005 Volume 1, Number 2


Luigi Colazzo

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Table of Contents

Number of articles: 9

  1. Cultures meeting cultures in online distance education

    Michael Grahame Moore, Kay Shattuck & Aisha Al-Harthi, The Pennsilvania State University, United States

    One effect of the evolution of e-learning is the inclusion of a growing number of learners who participate in courses designed and delivered by American and European universities while remaining... More

    pp. 187-207

  2. Reclaiming the Territory University Change: a Personal Reflection

    Gilly Salmon, University of Leicester, UK, United Kingdom

    A brief exploration of a thousand years of Higher Educational Institutions in Europe considers the key intentions that lie behind the physical campuses and their powerful symbolism. The networked... More

    pp. 219-222

  3. An online Biology course: a teaching-learning experiment

    Annastella Gambini, Antonella Pezzotti & Pinuccia Samek Lodovici, Università di Milano-Bicocca, Italy

    We have been experimenting with an online course in «teaching Biology» for students of the Primary Education Degree course1 for about two years. This learning activity was created for students who ... More

    pp. 223-231

  4. From Edoc® To PeKITA: the evolution of a platform for e-learning and profiling technology

    Roberto Guarasci, Anna Rovella & Stefano Vuono, Università della Calabria, Italy

    With the realization of the limits which have, so far, influenced the diffusion of E-Learning systems, above all, with regard to its elevated costs but also to its didactic rigidity, the idea has... More

    pp. 233-241

  5. La Social Network Analysis (SNA) applicata alle comunità virtuali per l’apprendimento: analisi strutturale delle interazioni all’interno dei Web forum

    Elvis Mazzoni & S Bertolasi, Università di Bologna, Italy

    In the Activity Theory approach, the online learning may be carried out through a variety of Web artefacts that mediate the relationship between the students, the object of the activity and the... More

    pp. 243-257

  6. WebLingu@: blended English language learning

    Linda Mesh & Cesare Zanca, Università degli Studi di Siena, Italy

    For the acquisition of a second language the World Wide Web offers an abundance of learning resources that can provide opportunities for meaningful, realistic, contextualized language activities.... More

    pp. 259-270

  7. Il Progetto BiTE: Bridging the gap between the traditional and e.learning environment

    Francesca Barengo, ITSOS "Marie Curie", Cernusco sul Naviglio, Italy

    This article presents the results of a research carried out by ITSOS «Marie Curie» within a project called BiTE – Socrates-Minerva programme – that aimed to define procedures suitable to transfer... More

    pp. 271-280

  8. Materiali e strumenti interattivi in rete telematica per la formazione iniziale in fisica degli insegnanti della scuola primaria

    Marisa Michelini & Alberto Stefanel, Università di Udine, Italy

    The initial teacher training in physics needs the integration of disciplinary skills with teaching/learning aspects in order to construct a contextualized role for instruments and methods. A... More

    pp. 281-290

  9. Ariel.Net: la piattaforma per il CdL online in Sicurezza dei Sistemi e delle Reti Informatiche

    Mirko Bove & Daniele Scaccia, Università degli Studi di Milano, Italy

    The Ctu – eLearning Center of the University of Milan, in partnership with Isvor Knowledge System S.p.a., for the academic year 2004 – 2005, has delivered its first University Degree course in dual... More

    pp. 291-302