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Quarterly Review of Distance Education

2001 Volume 2, Number 4

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Table of Contents

Number of articles: 10

  1. Distance Education and Online Instruction: Profession or Field?

    Michael Simonson

    Finn (1953) implied research and practice could not be conducted effectively without clear terminology. Keegan's (1986) work became the foundation for more modern definitions, including one... More

    pp. 301-2

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  2. Limitations of Online Courses for Supporting Constructive Learning

    Rose M. Marra & David H. Jonassen

    Examines some limitations of online course delivery and management systems in terms of the range of pedagogies they support, and explores the effects of a distance learning pedagogy that emphasizes... More

    pp. 303-17

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  3. A Customized Template for Pre-Service Teachers: Analyzing Efficiency, Effectiveness, and Appeal of Developing a Web-based Lesson

    G Brandon Murry & Francie R. Murry

    Six research questions were posed regarding the process of developing a Web-based lesson to examine efficiency (time and effort), effectiveness (inclusion of specific instructional components and... More

    pp. 319-32

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  4. Designing Synchronous Distance Education: A Demonstration Project

    Tiffany A. Koszalka

    Reports on the design and formative assessment of a synchronous distance education demonstration project designed to bring experts to participants at their work locations through Internet... More

    pp. 333-45

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  5. Distance Education, Web-Based Instruction, and Today's Educator

    Jennifer M. Brill

    Explores what a move to Web-based education means for today's educators as they reinvent their professional practice in a distance learning environment. Presents traditional views of teachers and... More

    pp. 347-56

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  6. Student Satisfaction, Self-Efficacy, and the Perception of the Two-Way Audio/Video Distance Learning Environment: A Preliminary Examination

    Julie Reinhart & Paul Schneider

    This study sought to develop assessment tools to measure students' perceptions of two-way audio/video distance classrooms, as well as self-efficacy and satisfaction with distance learning... More

    pp. 357-65

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  7. Why Choose Interactive Instructional Television?

    Kim Ryan-Nicholls

    Identifies conditions under which interactive instructional television (IITV) is an appropriate choice of technology for delivering instruction in the K-12 school environment. Findings indicate... More

    pp. 367-75

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  8. Around the Globe

    Steve Wheeler

    Presents a report by Rigmor Sterner (Lulea University of Technology) on the 10th annual European Distance Education Network (EDEN) conference (June 10-13, 2001, Stockholm, Sweden). EDEN is a non... More

    pp. 377-79

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  9. Research Abstracts

    Eric Plotnick

    Presents research abstracts from the ERIC Clearinghouse on Information and Technology. Topics include: classroom communication apprehension and distance education; outcomes of a distance-delivered ... More

    pp. 381-83

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  10. Conference Calendar

    Marsha L. Burmeister

    Lists upcoming conferences (taking place during the months of March through July 2002): Florida Educational Technology Conference; Mid-South Instructional Technology Conference Teaching, Learning, ... More

    pp. 385-86

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