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International Journal of Web-Based Learning and Teaching Technologies

January 2009 Volume 4, Number 1

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Table of Contents

Number of articles: 5

  1. The Effectiveness of Scaffolding in a Web-Based, Adaptive Learning System

    Mei-Yu Chang & Wernhuar Tarng, National Hsinchu University of Education, Taiwan; Fu-Yu Shin, Chien-Kuo Elementary School, Taiwan

    This study combined ideas from learning hierarchy and scaffolding theory to design a web-based, adaptive learning system to investigate the effectiveness of scaffolding for elementary school... More

    pp. 1-15

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  2. An Application of the LS-Plan System to an Educational Hypermedia

    Carla Limongelli, Filippo Sciarrone & Giulia Vaste, Roma Tre University, Italy

    LS-Plan is a system capable to provide educational hypermedia with adaptivity. During the student’s navigation in hyperspace, the system, by means of a suitable interface, receives in input, for... More

    pp. 16-34

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  3. A Case-Based Approach to Adaptive Hypermedia Navigation

    Alessandro Micarelli, Filippo Sciarrone & Fabio Gasparetti, Roma Tre University, Italy

    Hypermedia, with its combination of multimedia and non-linear organization of links among informative nodes, provides a highly interactive environment. In structured domains such as Web-based... More

    pp. 35-53

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  4. Animated Pedagogical Agents: The Effect of Visual Information on a Historical Figure Application

    R. Heller & M. Procter, Athabasca University, Canada

    The role of Animated Pedagogical Agents (APAs) depends on an understanding of the persona effect as a mechanism for increasing student engagement and motivation. We argue that historical figure... More

    pp. 54-65

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  5. A Case Study of Ontology-Driven Development of Intelligent Educational Systems

    Gordon Deline, CBC/Radio-Canada, Canada; Fuhua Lin, Dunwei Wen, Dragan Gaševic & Kinshuk, Athabasca University, Canada

    This article presents a case study of ontology-driven development of intelligent educational systems. Following a review of literature related to ontology development, ontology-driven software... More

    pp. 66-81

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