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International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning (iJET)

Jun 12, 2020 Volume 15, Number 11

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Table of Contents

Number of articles: 19

  1. Application of Big Data Technology in Blended Teaching of College Students: A Case Study on Rain Classroom

    Cuibi Yang, Shuliang Huan & Yong Yang, Chongqing Three Gorges University, Chongqing 404100, China

    Rain classroom is a big data tool that effectively connects the teacher with students throughout the teaching process. This paper mainly applies rain classroom in blended teaching of college... More

    pp. 4-16

  2. Design and Application of Micro Course in Fundamentals of Computers

    Hongxia Liu, School of Information Engineering, Yulin University, Yulin, Shaanxi 719000, China

    Micro course is an emerging student-centered remote teaching tool. It offers inspirations to the teaching reform of the college course called Fundamentals of Computers. This paper introduces the... More

    pp. 17-28

  3. Designing Mangrove Ecology Self-Learning Application Based on a Micro-Learning Approach

    Supaporn Chai-Arayalert & Supattra Puttinaovarat, Prince of Songkla University

    the development of a mangrove ecology self-learning application integrates the advantages of mobile-based learning and the benefits of micro-learning into the virtual learning of mangrove ecology. ... More

    pp. 29-41

  4. Blended Web Mobile Learning (BWML) Model to Improve Students’ Higher Order Thinking Skills

    Binar Prahani & Budi Jatmiko, Surabaya State University; Bambang Hariadi, Dewiyani Sunarto, Tri Sagirani, Tan Amelia & Julianto Lemantara, Dinamika University

    The results of literature review show that Problem Based Learning (PBL) and Hybrid Learning models have been proven to increase students’ higher order thinking skills (HOTS), but also still have... More

    pp. 42-55

  5. Design and Application of Experimental Teaching System Driven by Big Data Technology in Economics and Management Majors

    Qiang Liu & Liwen Zeng, Guangdong University of Finance & Economics

    This paper focuses on several issues resulting from the current widespread application of big data technology in teaching: the difficulties of managing and storing experimental data; the problem of... More

    pp. 56-66

  6. Framework for e-Learning Materials Optimization

    Dominik Halvoník, Department of Informatics Constantine the Philosopher University in Nitra, Nitra, Slovakia (Slovak Republic); Jozef Kapusta

    Creating educational materials (activities, e-books etc.) in each e-learning course can be divided into 2 main parts. The first can be defined as a compilation of ideas and information that we want... More

    pp. 67-77

  7. The Effectiveness of Google Classroom Among EFL Students in Jordan: An Innovative Teaching and Learning Online Platform

    Abeer Albashtawi, Luminus Technical University College; Khaleel Al Bataineh, Irbid National University

    This study investigated the effect of using Google Classroom on the reading and writing performance of diploma students with English as a Foreign Language (EFL) in Irbid, Jordan. It aimed to... More

    pp. 78-88

  8. Impact of Information System and Blockchain on Organizational Learning Effectiveness

    Jamshid Turi, Alaeldeen Al Adresi, Mohd Bin Darun & Fatimah Mahmud, Faculty of Industrial Management University Malaysia Pahang

    The focus of this paper is to investigate the impact of information systems and blockchain technology on organizational learning effectiveness. Data was collected from the information system... More

    pp. 89-101

  9. Effectiveness of the Implementation of Cognitive Conflict Strategy Assisted by e-Service Learning to Reduce Students' Mathematical Misconceptions

    Ni Parwati & I Suharta, Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha

    Students' mathematical misconceptions are types of errors that are carried out consistently in different contexts as a result of errors in the cognitive structure of students. The purpose of this... More

    pp. 102-118

  10. Empirical Research on the Application of Online Teaching in Chinese Colleges and Universities Under the Situation of Novel Coronavirus Pneumonia Prevention and Control

    Tiejun Zhu

    At the turn of 2019-2020, a new epidemic broke out in China. China has entered the critical stage of epidemic prevention and control. And The severe situation has led to the failure of normal... More

    pp. 119-136

  11. Perception of Teachers on Collaborative Tools Knowledge Level Mediated by ICT and Their Experience with Students

    Rosalba Acosta Corporan, University of Salamanca; Jorge Joo Nagata, University of Educational Sciences (Santiago de Chile); Antonio Martín García & Azucena Hernández Martín, University of Salamanca

    In 21st century, competencies mediated with ICT are key for development at the educational area. This is the reason why this research aims to assess perception on level of competences of secondary ... More

    pp. 137-161

  12. The Use of Reflective Journal as a Tool for Monitoring of Metacognition Growth in Writing

    Dina Ramadhanti, STKIP PGRI Sumatera Barat; A Ghazali, Muakibatul Hasanah & Titik Harsiati, Universitas Negeri Malang; Diyan Yanda, STKIP PGRI Sumatera Barat

    Reflective journals are used as a technique of self-reflection in the learning process. By integrating the process of metacognition, a reflective journal guideline was developed to knowing students... More

    pp. 162-187

  13. An Evaluation System and Its Model for Educational Competitiveness of Universities

    Lin Lin, Department of primary education, Normal branch of Beihua University, Jilin 132013, China

    There are several defects with the current evaluation strategy for educational competitiveness of universities, namely, the lack of a well-established evaluation system and the complexity of... More

    pp. 188-201

  14. A New Evaluation Technique Through Serious Games for Children with ASD

    Najoua Tahiri & Mohamed El Alami, National School of Applied Sciences, Abdelmalek Essaâdi University, Tangier, Morocco

    Assessment at preschool age plays a crucial role in the process of learning especially for children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD), whom encounter communication difficulties as exchanging... More

    pp. 202-217

  15. Project-Based Learning Technology: An Example in Programming Microcontrollers

    Zhanat Nurbekova, Talant Tolganbaiuly & Bahyt Nurbekov, L.N.Gumilyov Eurasian National University; Ainur Sagimbayeva, Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University; Zhadira Kazhiakparova, University of Innovation and Technology of Western Kazakhstan

    This article presents the technology of the organization of project-based learning in programming microcontrollers at the faculty of information technology (L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National... More

    pp. 218-227

  16. The Machine Translation of Literature: Implications for Translation Pedagogy

    Abdulfattah Omar, Prince Sattam Bin Abdulaziz University, Saudi Arabia Port Said University, Egypt; Yasser Gomaa, College of Arts, University of Bahrain, Kingdom of Bahrain

    The recent years have witnessed an increasing importance of machine translation systems due to the prolific production on online texts in different disciplines and furthermore, the inability of... More

    pp. 228-235

  17. Students’ Perceptions and Continuous Intention to Use E-Learning Systems: The Case of Google Classroom.

    Kwame Ansong-Gyimah, University of Education, Winneba Kumasi Campus

    Higher institutions are steadily advancing in facilitating teaching and learning on e-learning systems. Google Classroom is a very popular e-learning system that is been adopted by many African... More

    pp. 236-244

  18. The Effect of Project-Based Learning Assisted PANGTUS on Creative Thinking Ability in Higher Education

    Tri Setyarini, Mustaji Mustaji & Miftakhul Jannah, Surabaya State University

    This study aims to determine the effect of Project Based Learning Assisted PANGTUS media on statistics and probability courses on students' creative thinking abilities. The design of this study is ... More

    pp. 245-251

  19. Supporting College Students with Disorder of Written Expression: A Web-Based Model for Teachers in Under- Resourced Contexts

    Ani Zhang, Xinjiang Teacher's College; Xiaodong Zhang

    In many under-resourced contexts, college teachers who have students with special needs are often insufficiently supported due to external constraints, such as limited teacher training or... More

    pp. 252-260