The Use of Electronic Communication to Develop Alternative Avenues for Classroom Discussion

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Karen M. Dutt-Doner, University of Southern Maine, United States ; Susan M. Powers, Indiana State University, United States

JTATE Volume 8, Number 2, 2000 ISSN 1059-7069


Electronic discussion groups such as newsgroups can pro-vide an effective, alternative avenue for fostering class dis-cussion. This paper discusses how the use of a newsgroup with elementary preservice teachers enabled discussion on classroom management, course-related, and controversial is-sues. Using this electronic format, students also supported each other through decision-making processes and stressful situations. The electronic discussion group became a forum where students furthered their learning and applied experi-ences from the field back to theory. Although introducing a new instructional tool, particularly a technology tool, does have potential difficulties and stumbling blocks, the re-searchers and students discovered the enormous impact the inclusion of the newsgroup can have on student discussion and thought.


Dutt-Doner, K.M. & Powers, S.M. (2000). The Use of Electronic Communication to Develop Alternative Avenues for Classroom Discussion. Journal of Technology and Teacher Education, 8(2), 153-172. Charlottesville, VA: Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education. Retrieved September 1, 2024 from