The CLAS Network: A Repository for Digital Learning Objects and a Network for Educational Stakeholders to Communicate and Collaborate

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James Lipuma, New Jersey Institute of Technology, United States ; Jeremy Reich, Lawrence Mayalil, NJIT, United States

Global Learn, Apr 28, 2016 in Limerick, Ireland


Modern technology enables learning to reach more students with more efficient (reduced cost), differentiated (flexibility in students’ use of digital resources), and effective (improved learning outcomes) content delivery. The result of the mixture of modern technology and innovative educators is digital learning. NJIT is in the latter stages of developing the CLAS Network to address the need for a digital learning repository of vetted educational videos and learning objects of various types, which are easily accessible and searchable, so that educators can find what they need quickly and efficiently.


Lipuma, J., Reich, J. & Mayalil, L. (2016). The CLAS Network: A Repository for Digital Learning Objects and a Network for Educational Stakeholders to Communicate and Collaborate. In Proceedings of Global Learn-Global Conference on Learning and Technology (pp. 466-472). Limerick, Ireland: Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE). Retrieved September 1, 2024 from