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A Strategic Partnership to Understand the Ecosystem, Adaptability and Transfer of Digital Skills - a Focus on the Educational System

, Universite de Moncton, Canada ; , , , , Université de Moncton, Canada ; , Université de Sherbrooke, Canada ; , Université de Moncton, Canada ; , University of New Brunswick, Canada

Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International Conference, in Las Vegas, NV, United States ISBN 978-1-939797-13-1 Publisher: Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE), Waynesville, NC USA


This paper is a report on the findings of a study on the development of digital skills. Discourse analysis techniques were used to examine the resulting transcript of interviews with experts in technopedagogy for evidence of digital skill development from school and postsecondary contexts. Using the DELPHI method, six experts were consulted about key digital competence. Qualities such as resilience, adaptability and open-mindedness were identified as key. Findings also indicate that digital skill can be defined by one’s ability to use technologies and adapt positively to challenges during use. From an educational perspective, our results show that the digital skills needed to succeed in a technological world are not necessarily the ones developed in schools and colleges. For instance, experts agree that educational institutions looking to foster digital skills should move beyond teaching mainly technical ability, focusing instead on developing more analytical or critical ability.


LeBlanc, M., T. Léger, M., Godin, J., Freiman, V., Robichaud, X., Larose, F., Chukalovskyy, R. & Bourgeois, Y. (2015). A Strategic Partnership to Understand the Ecosystem, Adaptability and Transfer of Digital Skills - a Focus on the Educational System. In D. Rutledge & D. Slykhuis (Eds.), Proceedings of SITE 2015--Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International Conference (pp. 968-973). Las Vegas, NV, United States: Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE). Retrieved April 19, 2024 from .


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